Mental Health


YOOOO. Your mental health is fire. So swaggy. Do you know anyone who talks like that? Language is interesting… Okay, anyway. How’s your mental health doing? So far you are mindful, you are part of a community, and your life has a healthy balance of play, fun, and relaxation. So your components of mental health

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Play & Laugh

You are mindful, you are present, you are living in the moment AND you are part of a community. Great! Your mental health is complete, right? Probably not. Think of something you hate doing…filing taxes, reading terms and conditions, jury duty, flossing, waiting in line, dusting shelves with a bunch of shit on them? Whatever

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Alright, alright, alright. So you conquered the key foundation to Mental Health: Mindfulness. You are present, clear-minded, and totally living in the moment. Life is great. However, you are by yourself. All alone. The last living thing on earth. So sad. Life blows. If you are a true Buddha, pure loneliness will not phase you.

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Mindfulness is probably the number 1 most important ingredient to mental health. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness, of course, is how full your mind is. Mind fullness. It is best if the fullness of your mind is as low as possible, or empty. Essentially, you want absolutely nothing going on upstairs. Lights are on, no one’s

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Mental Health

What is mental health, exactly? Well, mental health is making sure your IQ is at least 100 or higher. I am kidding of course. suggests that “Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act.” ( That seems like a pretty good definition. The World Health

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